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Title: Principles of vitrification as a method of cryopreservation in reproductive biology and medicine
Author: G.M. Fahy
Citation: In: Fertility Preservation, Principles & Practice, Second Edition (Donnez, J., and Kim, S. S., Eds) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2021, pp. 49-66 (doi: 10.1017/9781108784368/007)
Abstract: The popularity of vitrification (literally, glass formation) as a method of cryopreservation for reproductive cells, tissues, and even organs is evident from the rising number of citations of these applications in PubMed (Figure 6.1). The success of vitrification is based on the remarkable fact that it has been possible in many cases to reconcile the extreme physical and chemical requirements of vitrification with the biological requirements for sustaining life. Essentially, the same basic physical process that produces obsidian, window panes, porcelain vases, amber, and lollipops can be applied to living cells and tissues to preserve them in a viable state for very long periods. The basic biological feasibility of vitrification was first discovered by nature. It now appears that many “poikilohydric” animals (whose water content depends on the ambient humidity) seem to survive the winter at deep subzero temperatures in the vitreous or partially vitreous state, and this strategy of survival may be even more prevalent than freeze tolerance [1, 2]. In addition, there are complex organisms that can dry to a vitreous state and survive even at temperatures well above zero [3, 4]. Therefore, cryopreservation by vitrification is supported by a broad base of biological evidence and evolutionary experience.
Article Link https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/abs/fertility-preservation/principles-of-vitrification-as-a-method-of-cryopreservation-in-reproductive-biology-and-medicine/279182BA0E08BDE2F7E31B72172FB03A

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